Don't forget to check my review of the first book Immortal Embrace HERE.
Without further ado help me welcome... Charlotte Blackwell!

What lead me to writing
A Guest Post by Charlotte Blackwell
Hi everyone, my name is Charlotte Blackwell and I’m the author of the new Embrace series. The Embrace series is a young adult, paranormal romance that I began writing for fun. I can’t actually believe that two of the books have been published already, Immortal Embrace and Forbidden Embrace. A third book Mystic Embrace is on its way this November as well. Not to mention my wonderful publisher World Castle Publishing has request yet another book in the series. I hope that you all enjoy this series as much as I have.
Well I figure there is so much info out in cyberspace about my books that I would talk today a little about what has lead me to writing this series and what I love about the Embrace Series and writing.
Throughout the years I’ve always written down my thoughts and feelings. Writing things out has always helped me to cope with life or even move on and close out an issue that has taunted me. I never expected to write professionally, until November 2009 when I began work on Immortal Embrace. Honestly even then, it was just for fun and wasn’t until the following spring when I began publishing articles online and getting paid for it, that I thought I could make a go at being an author. Immortal Embrace was something to help me past the time, I’m a stay at home mom and my life is centered on my three wonderful children. This was just supposed to another outlet to communicate with my children. It didn’t take long for it to become so much more than just for my kids; it is now for everyone’s kids.
You may wonder how a book about vampires, witches and other supernatural beings can be used as an out let for communication. Well the character’s in the Embrace Series all go through many of the things teenagers face today. Peer pressure, drugs, sex, insecurities, trust. Throughout the series we see the characters and how they have to deal with these issues, some handle it better than others, and some need to be rescued from situations they never thought out. I feel that this is a great way to open communication between teens and their parents, or even their friends. We have all had our share of difficulties, but it is how we deal with them that make us stronger. I hope that readers will see and learn from the characters mistakes and see how they grow. Maybe teens and young adults can see they aren’t the only ones to face these things.
The Embrace series has become so much more for me, it has showed me who I am and helped me to learn my purpose in life. Even in my mid thirties and a mother to three, I still had doubts about myself and who I was. Now I feel that my feet are firmly planted and I can actually be a good role model to the rest of my family. I have shown my children that they can do anything they choose to and to always believe in themselves while they follow their dreams. There is so much a person can have in life as long as you stay happy, positive and always help others. Life can be better than you ever expected and that is something I have finally learned.
Thank you so much for letting me share with you today, I hope that you all follow your dreams to the fullest and remember they may even be something you never expected like mine was.
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