Friday, October 26, 2012

World Wide Covers! #9

Hello everyone and welcome to World Wide Covers!

Last night, after reading a few comments on my last WWC! post I notice something: I forgot to say how to link up if you wanted to participate!!! So sorry, guys... ^^U
For now, since I have no clue of how to do it I'll say leave a comment with your WWC! post. And if we manage to get a lot of posts to share then we will get a LinkyList :]

To get to know this meme and participate in it click HERE for the full recap ;)

This week World Wide Covers! features My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent.

My Soul to Take US edition

It's no secret I love all the Soul Screamers covers so far (US edition of all of them). So imagine my huge surprise when Rachel herself showed the next cover which is for the Vietnamese edition!

Goddess of Death/Herald of Death

by Rachel Vincent
Release date: 26th September, 2012
Publisher: Hoa Hoc Tro

Summary from Goodreads:

She doesn't see dead people. She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.

Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next.

Don't tell me you don't like it because what's not to like?! The fonts are pretty amazing, the girl, her clothes and pose are stunning and the smoke plus the background create a whole new level of awesomeness right there.
Yes, I'm in love.

The summary is the US one 'cause I could't find the Vietnamese summary (and trust me, I tried) but I did find something very cool :D

Here my lovelies you have the Vietnamese trailer for My Soul To Take! And it's pretty wicked! Pity we don't really understand it but... impressive and cool nonetheless.

As always, remember to vote and comment. And don't forget to enter in my current giveaways ;)

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  1. Love, love, love the Vietnamese edition. The dress is to die for and the font is awesome. It's gorgeous! :)

    Sangita @ Whisper of Reads.

  2. The Vietnamese edition is absolutely stunning, my jaw dropped when I saw it.

  3. Interesting cover! I haven't read the series but I've heard great things about it. I might just have to look into it :)

  4. Love this series and the Vietnamese edition. Really beautiful.

  5. That sounds pretty cool and I love the Vietnamese cover!

  6. I love both covers! It's interesting that one chose reds and the other blues. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. OMG!! *faints* That cover is drop dead gorgeous!! Going to have to figure out where I can get a copy just for that cover!

  8. That cover is exactly the type to grab my attention!

  9. That is the best cover. I have loved all of the US covers too! But this one is beautiful, and it fits the series so well!

  10. I saw this on Rachel Vincent's blog too, I love that she showed us so many of the international covers, but I really do like the Vietnamese one, it just seems to fit well with the series.

  11. That blue cover is so pretty! Better than the red one!

  12. I do like the blue cover more, though I wouldn't read the book haha

  13. I guess I'm in the minority here, but I actually prefer the US cover!

  14. I like how the girl sitting in front of the moon creates the shape of a keyhole. Do love the blue SO much more than the red. Blue looks cool/spiritual... the red looks evil.

  15. wow i absolutely love this cover !

  16. I like the idea of the Vietnamese cover, but the lines of the dress come off as a little cheesy. I would like it better if her thighs were not so long.

  17. I like the idea of the Vietnamese cover

  18. Beautiful Cover! But I like the US too.


Something to share? (cheese would be awesome!) I love to read your comments :]