Dash & Lily's Book of Dares
by Rachel Cohn & David LevithanRelease date: 26th October, 2010
Publisher: Harlequin UK Ltd
Pages: 304 (ebook through NetGalley in exchange for n honest review)
Summary from Goodreads:
“I’ve left some clues for you.
If you want them, turn the page.
If you don’t, put the book back on the shelf, please.”
So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the bestselling authors of Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?
Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story that will have readers perusing bookstore shelves, looking and longing for a love (and a red notebook) of their own.
Review By Alaiel Kreuz:
Honestly? I loved everything about this book. It's fresh, it's funny and it's different. I mean, the idea of leaving a small red moleskine in the middle of the most famous bookstore in New York that is full of dares and puzzles? Brilliant!
If I was younger (and not married) I would do it in a heartbeat. The adventures and the possibilities are so many that I have my head spinning just thinking about it.
To be honest there's no much to tell without giving spoilers away. And you don't need that, right? So let's say the basics.
Dash and Lily: Best couple ever... not. It's the truth. They are so different that I'm sure that under normal circumstances they would never have become friends.
But that's the beauty about this book, you know? To see two different people share their lives, their likes and dislikes only to influence the other in a good way.
Lily is sweet, naive and at times very innocent which is why sometimes she may get on your nerves. But don's despair, Dash's way of talking will keep you around easily. He is clever, an smart-ass and full of dimension.
The plot: Simple yet different. I enjoyed every second of it. What I most liked was to walk around New York with them.
Supporting characters: Best crew ever! No kidding here, Lily's brother and in fact most of her family, are the perfect support for this innocent girl. And they are weird and fun.
As for Dash's side just let me tell you, he has one of the most loyal, crazy and strange friends ever. I one want of those for myself right now!
The style: It's the first time I read a book written by two authors and honestly, I'm very, very pleased. Since Rachel wrote Lily's chapters and David wrote Dash's I got to feel and to understand the way both characters thought without missing anything.
The ending: Although I liked it I have to make a confession... I missed something. There was a tiny knot that the authors never got to wrap properly, at least for me, and it bothers me a little.
Saying that I assure you that the main plot was tied nicely. And a quick recommendation? Read this book during Christmas's break, it will give the book a whole new level and you will enjoy it even more. Specially if you add hot chocolate.
Alaiel's Rating:

I second your thoughts, I also thought they wouldn't even be friends if they met under different circumstances. But I adored them as a couple :)
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you! I loved this books to bits as well, especially snarky Dashiell ;)
ReplyDelete- Ellie @ The Selkie Reads Stories
Aw, dang it! Now I'm so intrigued by the fact that it's in NYC and the red journal (I LOVE RED), that I'm going to have to try to get a peak at it! XD lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review!
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Guilherme Kunz